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Crafting a Bespoke Website for a real estate franchise

The RE/MAX project is one of UPDOT's early endeavors and our longstanding partnership stands as proof of UPDOT's expertise.
Business Type
Project Team
Project Manager, UI/UX Designer, Front-end Developer, PHP Developer, QA Engineer
3 Months
Service Offered
UI/UX Design
Web Development


With an impressive track record spanning over 50 years in the real estate industry, RE/MAX stands tall as an ever-thriving multinational real estate giant. While they had a strong offline presence, they recognized the importance of establishing an impactful online presence to reach a wider audience and boost their business.


  • PHP programming language for server-side development.
  • Bootstrap framework for front-end development to ensure a responsive and mobile-friendly design.
  • Utilizing the most effective SEO techniques to enhance visibility on search engines.
  • A secure platform for data storage and user interactions.
  • Contact form integration for users to inquire about properties and a newsletter subscription feature.


Our main task was to create a modern and responsive website that effectively displayed properties, services, and expertise. Additionally, we aimed to optimize the website for search engines (SEO) to enhance organic traffic and ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs), ultimately driving valuable leads and boosting conversion rates.


Leveraging the powerful Bootstrap framework, UPDOT meticulously crafted a customized website that not only exuded professionalism but also delivered an unparalleled user experience. The use of PHP allowed for dynamic content management and seamless integration of real-time property data. Engaging sliders, captivating property images, and clear call-to-action buttons were incorporated to immediately capture visitors' attention. Through extensive research, they identified the most relevant and high-traffic keywords in the real estate niche, enabling the website to target the right audience. With precision and finesse, each web page was optimized with the identified keywords strategically placed in meta tags, headings, and compelling content. This scrupulous approach ensured that search engines recognized the website's relevance and quality, propelling it toward the top of search engine result pages (SERPs).


By combining the power of Bootstrap and PHP for website development with a well-executed SEO strategy, UPDOT's team succeeded in creating a digital masterpiece for their real estate client. As a result, the client experienced increased traffic, higher engagement, and ultimately, a significant upsurge in lead generation and conversions, solidifying their position as a key player in the industry. Beyond the technical aspects, UPDOT also excelled in building an exceptional client rapport with the RE/MAX Infinity team.
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